Monday, 9 March 2015

Monster Attacks

Once upon-a-time in a land that was very green and had very polite people, there was a slimy,horrible mean monster with a stinger on the end of his nose!
He didn’t like the people so every day he tried to kill them.
BUT no matter how many times he tried he could NOT kill them.
This is the reason why………………....
whenever they said a polite word he froze.
They’re land was on a hill ( a wide hill ) so they were close to the sun.
so the ice on the monster melted quickly.
Soon the monster was so frustrated because he kept freezing and melting that he used his tentacles to fly away.
He called his family from another planet to come to Earth.
They came to help him.
Three big monsters plus him makes four of them.
There was a big,red,11 tentacle monster,a small monster which has no body but lots of eyes and a fast flying monster with no powers at all.
Together they made a HUGE storm which flooded the town.
Suddenly spider man leaped into action!
He shot fire webs at the monsters and saved all the people.
BUT that wasn’t all the monsters.
Granny which came out of the lake by the hill was HUGE, ENORMOUS, TREMENDOUS.
So the superhero called all the other superheros and together they saved the day.


1 comment:

  1. Well - that was pretty full on, particularly at the end. Can we expect a sequel to "Monster Attack"?
    P. van der Klift
