We thought all the bee jokes were funny too!
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Magic School Bus in a Beehive
Here is an amazing video that we watched from the magic School Bus. It has lots of amazing facts about bees. We really loved it and learned heaps!
We thought all the bee jokes were funny too!
We thought all the bee jokes were funny too!
All Blacks Win!!
All Blacks
Bang! Leg’s moved fast,breath increased,heart pumping.The finish line in sight.Running like a cheetah to catch it’s prey.I was so excited the All blacks are in the final.
At the start of the trans tasman clash new Zealand vs Australia there were four penalties before a try the penalties all went over Dan carter scored three of the four for NZL and Foley got one over for AUS.
The first try came close to the break.Conrad Smith set it up by off loading it to Jerome Kaino then Jerome Kaino the passed it the spikker richy then he un selfishly offloaded it to Milner Skudder Who got the first try of the match and for New Zealand.
Dan Carter got an a outstanding drop kick it was from 49m away! He was yelling at the ball to go over and cheap saying go over go over then it did it was awesome on the tv.
At the end of the match after the medals and the trophy was given a kid run on the field to hug sonny bill williams.sonny bill gave his medal away to the kid.Sonny bill said if it was a kid from his family he would of gave the security a hiding
The Mighty All Blacks!
Conrad Smith has the ball, passes it to Kaino, Kaino to Ritchy, Ritchy to Skuda ... score!!(half time)
Bernly Foley has the ball but OH NO!! Ben Smith does a tip tackle & gets a yellow card! Now their is a scrum right by there line! Pollard has the ball and scores for the Australians. Ben Smith on the pitch again Phew! Then Nonu scores!! Then Sonny Bill off loads it to Ben Smith , Simth kicks and Barret scores 34-17 we win!!! I was so exited!!!
Friday, 23 October 2015
Planting our minions to feed bees
We planted our minions this week.
We put herbs in one minion. That was rosemary, sage and thyme. These herbs have blue flowers and bees like blue flowers the best.
We put lavender in one minion. Lavender is one of the bees favourite foods. It is like chocolate cake for bees.
The last minion we planted with flowers. Some blue/purple and white petunias and some blue lobelia. Naomi says the lobelia will grow and come out of the minion like blue hair.
We cant wait for the plants to grow. We will water them every day to help them get everything they need.
We put herbs in one minion. That was rosemary, sage and thyme. These herbs have blue flowers and bees like blue flowers the best.
We put lavender in one minion. Lavender is one of the bees favourite foods. It is like chocolate cake for bees.
The last minion we planted with flowers. Some blue/purple and white petunias and some blue lobelia. Naomi says the lobelia will grow and come out of the minion like blue hair.
We cant wait for the plants to grow. We will water them every day to help them get everything they need.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Monday, 12 October 2015
Term 4
Welcome back to Term 4!
We have another fun filled term starting with CAMP in week 1!!!!!!
Welcome back to Term 4!
We have another fun filled term starting with CAMP in week 1!!!!!!
Curriculum Overview
Reading/Writing: Focus on writing explanations and recounts
Maths: Focus
on multiplication and division strategies, as well as maintaining our addition
and subtraction knowledge. Our strand is Algebra looking at patterns and predicting
Learning Pathways: Our big question is “A world without bees - should we care?” We will look at bees, pollination, working as a team, the hive etc. and come up with our questions. We will have a visit from the bee lady and have some hands on activities with honey and wax.
Science: We are learning about electricity and circuits
Sports: The focus is athletic skills of run, jump and throw.
Arts: We will be learning to sketch bees, use pastels and dye to create bee artwork. We will be learning to communicate using dance (like bees do)
We will look at music appreciation listening for and identifying different instruments in an orchestra.
Languages: We will continue to learn Maori with Whaea Jo on a Tuesday afternoon.
NEW: I am super excited to announce we will have Chinese lessons on a Thursday with a Chinese tutor in Bejing via skype !!
Students bring home reading, spelling
and basic maths to practice each week. Please remind your child to complete a little each day so they form good habits.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Marvelous Minion Gardens
Today we built the minions. We filled them with soil. We got a spade and wheelbarrow. We had to dig the soil from the pile to put it in the wheelbarrow. We wheeled it to the minion tyres and used out spades to put it in the minions. It was really hard work. Leo, Oliver, Brooklyn, Caleb and me did the most work. Check out Samuel's pictures of what we did.
By Rieley
By Rieley
Friday, 4 September 2015
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Sumdog Champions!!
This week Room 12 have participated in the Sumdog contest for schools in the whole of North Island. Everyone tried really hard to correctly answer as many questions as they could with some of our students answering more than 1,000 questions!
Check out where we placed!!!!!
Jasmine also placed as an individual in 48th place (out of 1,583 participants!)
Friday, 28 August 2015
Ice Skating
This Week Room 12 went Ice Skating..... In our own school hall!! Don't worry, it wasn't real ice it was a special plastic ice. We had to put on ice skates and try our best to balance. We had to make sure we bent our knees to help. Some people fell over but it was still fun! Even our teacher Naomi was ice skating and she helped us if we fell over. There was dancing and some bubbles too. You should try ice skating it was really fun! Check out the fun we had!
Monday, 10 August 2015
Saturday, 1 August 2015
Grandparents Day & Book Parade
Check out our Grandparents day and Book parade photos!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Mr Muthoo
Our new principal
Today on Monday 20 July our new principal Mr.Muthoo came to green Bay school. M.r. Muthoo came from Block house Bay intermediate.We had powhihi to welcome Mr.Muthoo the kapa haka group from Block house Bay school did some songs so did our school.I hope we get school uniforms and Mr.Muthoo will be happy here.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3!!
We have lots happening this term.
Firstly we are welcoming our new principal Mr. Muthoo. We will have a special powhiri welcome for him on Monday at 10am.
This term our focus is on Hauora - health and well being of our whole body. We will look at our values, feelings and emotions, friendships, food, nutrition and exercise.
I will keep you updated with trips, diary dates, and of course all the amazing things that happen in our class.
There has also been a change with our class blog as this term we are trialing individual class blogs!! You can locate these down the right side of this blog. My students have so loved writing for the blog and for others to read that we ended up with too much for one blog! I look forward to supporting them as they create their blogs and write about things that are meaningful to them. We will also update the class blog with things we are doing. It is so nice for the students to receive comments on their work from their friends and family and makes their writing more meaningful. Please feel free to look at the different blogs and make comments. (All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately!)
I look forward to meeting with you at our up coming students conferences next week. Naomi
Welcome back to Term 3!!
We have lots happening this term.
Firstly we are welcoming our new principal Mr. Muthoo. We will have a special powhiri welcome for him on Monday at 10am.
This term our focus is on Hauora - health and well being of our whole body. We will look at our values, feelings and emotions, friendships, food, nutrition and exercise.
I will keep you updated with trips, diary dates, and of course all the amazing things that happen in our class.
There has also been a change with our class blog as this term we are trialing individual class blogs!! You can locate these down the right side of this blog. My students have so loved writing for the blog and for others to read that we ended up with too much for one blog! I look forward to supporting them as they create their blogs and write about things that are meaningful to them. We will also update the class blog with things we are doing. It is so nice for the students to receive comments on their work from their friends and family and makes their writing more meaningful. Please feel free to look at the different blogs and make comments. (All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately!)
I look forward to meeting with you at our up coming students conferences next week. Naomi
Friday, 26 June 2015
Thursday, 25 June 2015
I went stardome on tuesday with the year 3s. we learned about space we learned about the sun and the moon.we watched a movie about the planes and we learned about stars It was fun watching the movie becoz the aliens didnt No about the planets. the movie was my favrit part
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Ice on the slide
This morning we found ice on the slide. It was so cold last night that the water on the slide turned into ice! There was frost on the ground that made the grass look white. When I came to school I stepped on the grass and it went crunch! The grass was so frosty even the ducks didn't want to walk on it. My breath looked like I was puffing out smoke because it was so cold my breath was freezing. Lots of my friends came to school wearing hats and gloves and scarfs. Even my teacher. I hope it warms up soon because I don't want to be freezing.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Last night anjalee the asian Elephant came to Auckland zoo. Anjalee is from Sri-lanka. She is 8 years old.She was in an orphanage because her mum died. Anjalee flew from sri-lanka to Fiji then Auckland zoo.She arrived at night. hope she is a good friend to burma.
Last night Anjalee the elephant arrived in Auckland.
Anjalee came from sri-lanka. It took 12 hour! She lived for 3 Months in Niue Anjalee is 8 years old.Anjalee came from the orphanage because she was born there.
Anjalee was in Sri-lanka and she came to Niue for 3 Months.
she has been 1 whole day at auckland zoo.
I hope Burma enjoys company.I didn’t know there was a new elephant
because I don’t have a T.V.
I hope she enjoys Auckland zoo!
A new elephant called Anjalee
A new elephant came to Auckland zoo.it came from srilanka. her mum was hunted by a hunters. Anjalee was born from that mum .Anjalee came on a plane to go to auckland zoo.I hope she has a good day.
Anjalee the elephant
Anjalee the big elephant arrived at Auckland zoo. Anjalee is from Sri-lanka. She is 8 years old. Anjalee is a girl.She came from Sri-lanka from there she went to Nuei. This is why she traveled that far because Auckland zoo needed comperne for burma. The zoo hopes that in a few more years they'll get another one. I hope Anjalee has a good life at Auckland zoo.
This year a new elephant is coming to Auckland zoo. It came from Sri -lanka now she is coming to Auckland zoo to support Burma who is 32 years old wow!. Anja-lee,s dad died in a earthquake and anja-lees,s mum got hunted down by hunters. The orphanage in sri lanka helped Anja-lee,s mum and that's how Anja-lee came alive. Do you know that Anja-lee is 8 years old Anja-lee,s mum's 29. 
An new elephant is coming to Auckland zoo. She came from sri lanka. Its mum got hunted so she is an orphan. The elephant's name is Anja lee. She came on plane. I hope she is good and she is enjoying the home. I hope she will be friends with burma.
Monday, 15 June 2015
Speech finals today
Congratulations to all those that got through to the syndicate finals today!
The winners of the speech competition were:
First Ben Chong with his speech about chopsticks.
Second Serena Gray with her speech about animals.
The winners of the poetry competition were:
First Daniel Colquhoun with his poem about space.
Second Saskia Shand with her poem If Dogs Could Talk.
Fabulous work guys!
Friday, 12 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Clash Of CLans
my doc is about clash of clans.
I Play clash of clans its pretty cool you have spells and troops like a giant or a minion or a witch that raises skeletons from the dead aaaaaa pretty scary! So you get barics that the troops come out of awesome aye.
There is a town hall that you can upgrade you can upgrade anything in the game. My town hall is level 6 it can go up to level 11!!!!!!10!!!!!9!!!!8!!!!!!7!!6!!5!!4!!3!!2!!1!!
That’s cool aye guy's! So you can attack other people and be in a clan but first you need to upgrade it cost 10,000 gold. There's gold and a elixer and dark elixir you get a Barbarian king and a archer Queen. I like playing clash of clans because you can connect with your friends like Rieley, Oliver, and Leo and Elijah. By Brooklyn
The first moon landing
This is my home work and i wrote facts about the first moon landing at the back of this object.neil Armstrong has put a American flag on the moon for memory of there achievement that they completed.the little rocket on the moon was called Apollo11.to make the planets you have to make to planets the same.then you get some wool and stick it to one of the planets you made and stick the other plant to the other side of the planet that you have stuck on to the wool.on top of the box are more planets.all you have to do is cut planets or shaps to cover the wool that is on top.after that you get a box and paint it and you can add and stick on the details.Next you can do facts and stick them on the back.
Alien on my shoulder!
I made this alien with play dough and matches.
I used green play dough for the alien. It took me just a short time to make. I made a round ball for the body and a smaller round ball for the head. I tried to stick them together but it did not work so my grandad suggested that I put matches far into the body so I put the head on the body and then stuck two matches into the head. I pushed them far down so they went into the body too. They also make alien tentacles on the top of the head. My mum was surprised by my alien. I think it is amazing!
Monday, 1 June 2015
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Calebs first goal trophy
When I went to my nans home my grandad came over and gave me this trophy. it is for my first goal at soccer. It says pipers calebs 1 goal 9/4/15 I really like it. The top of it is malted gold . So first thay melt the gold and then thay get a paint brush .and stroke it along the malted gold cup and get the paint brush and stroke it along the top part of metal at the top of the trophy.the end.
The wonderful rocket
So at home i made this rocket on a sick day. I'll now tell you how to make it. Step 1 get an old bottle. step 2 get some yellow and dark blue paint. Step 3 get some gliter glue. Step 4 get some black paint. Step 5 get some blue paper and a pen and scribl on it . Step 6 get some shot gun shells and 22 shells. step7 get some glue.
I got my bottle from my back lawn. its not that simple you have to dig it up but you won't always get one. and that's the end of my wonderful story. the end.
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Facts about the Planets in our Solar System
Check out all the facts in this video about all the planets. This could help your inquiries!
The planet Mercury
WOW! So much information about Mercury!
What were your favourite facts?
Thursday, 14 May 2015
The sun is the biggest hottest thing you have seen in space.you can't live on the sun it's to hot for you.No one can live on mercury it's just a ball of iron and it's the first planet from the sun.No one can live on venus There's not enough air for you to breath and that's where the most volcano live and erupt.Earth!Where we all live,green are land blue is sea.That's the only planet we can live on.Mars!A rocky red planet.Jupiter,our biggest planet in our solar system.The things on jupiter looks weird for me.Saturn our saturn our sixth planet.Saturn has rings made out of little rocks.Uranus!A sideways planet i think.Uranus has rings too!Did you know.Neptune the farrest planet from the sun.Neptune has storms.Neptune is full blue!Where missing something!The moon.The moon has no air,it has funny shapes just like or is valleys,mountains and volcanoes.There are eight planets in our solar system.It was nine planets before but pluto is a dwarf planet indeed.Did you know there are five dwarf planets?Ceres,pluto,eris,Makemake and haumeua.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Theos Solar System
Check out this awesome video Theo did with his dad at home! What an amazing mobile and great story for helping remember the planets in order. Many Very Early Men Just Sat Under Nine Planets.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
Phases of the moon
Do you know the phases of the moon?
What causes the phases of the moon?
Why does the moon look different in the night?
Friday, 8 May 2015
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
My space poem
The sun is bright.the moon is light.what will we do with out them?You might freeze you might not get any sleep .And sleep is important!!what will happen if jupiter and mars crash!What happens if any planets crash.if a planet crashes with earth we will die.But if anther planet crashis we willl be ok .the sun is bright and this is awesome pome.By Saskia:)
Monday, 4 May 2015
Hannah's space poem.
I made a poem about the sun Moon and mars and the stars.
I am going to read my poem to you.
What would be the first thing you would see in space the stars the Glittering, Glittering stars.
The sun is shiny it shines on my face, legs and toes what will I do if I get burnt as I go.
The moon is cold the moon is rock what will I do when I turn into rock?
If I live on Mars what will I do mars is unbreathable so I can't take of my space suit
And that is the end of my space poem.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Samuels Sun Facts
The sun
Facts I have learned
By Samuel
Without the sun life on Earth wouldn't exist.
The sun is a star.
The sun has the biggest eruptions in the solar system.
We have a solar field to protect us from the sun.
The suns gravity stops us from drifting off into the icy deeps of space.
The sun is in the centre of our solar system.
The suns surface of the sun isn’t as hot as the centre of the sun.
The black spots on the sun are the cold parts of the sun.
Black holes suck up the old sun and a new one will replace it.
No sun no light or heat or life.
The Earth and other planets go around the sun.
The sun is the closest star to Earth.
The sun is as big as 4.730005km.
The sun is over 30,million times bigger than Earth.
The sun has six layers.
The light from the sun can get to Earth in Eight minutes.
Did you know the light of the moon comes from the sun.
The top layer of the sun is called the Corona.
Corona means crown.
In ancient times people thought the sun was a god.
The sun is a big ball of burning gas.
The sun does not move.
I think the sun is our hero.
Solar system mobile
Hi my name is nevaeh and I have made a space Mobile with my mum and I will tell you the planets I made.i made the hot and burning sun and mercury and Jupiter and can't forget the plant that spins on it's side Uranus and the planets that my mum made Venus earth Saturn and Neptune.ok mercury is the closest to the sun and it is a ball of iron and it is the smallest planet. Venus is the second smallest planet and the hottest planet and the second closest planet to the sun. Now we are talking it's our planet earth where life is and all of these people ok I am sorry earth is the therid rocky planet and it spins around and it has land and water and it is a amazing world to live in. Mars is the forth planet that spins around the sun and It has the tallest mountains and hills.and can't forget Jupiter because Jupiter is the biggest planet in space and it has I think sixty four moons or sixty seven moons.now Saturn has rings a made of ice and dust and rocks and Saturn is a cool plant because it has beautiful rings.uranus is a unique planet. It lies on its side and spins. It is weird. neptune is the furthest planet from the sun. Pluto is a dwarf planet. And that's all I know at the moment.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Fiery Looping Rain
You should really watch this amazing video of the suns amazing looping rain. It is awesome.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Solar System song
At first we thought this song was a bit babyish but then we realised that it gives you 3 facts about each planet and that is pretty cool. Can you listen for three facts for each planet?
The Sun A video from NASA
Here is a cool video we watched to give us some amazing facts about space. It is really cool to find out so much about the sun our very own star.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Maui and the Sun
We watched this video about the Maori legend of Maui and the Sun. It is a cool story but we know that the sun is in space it does not live in a hole. Also if you go near the sun you would burn up.
We liked how the video had music that made the story sound cool. We also liked the patterns on the sun.
We liked how the video had music that made the story sound cool. We also liked the patterns on the sun.
My alien
Last tueday i made a alian I named him spot spot because he has spots on him .i made him oUt of 1 ball of clay and beads.i did not bring him to school last Friday because he broke so I had to glue him with Pva glue now he is all better. It took me 2 days to make spot spot when I had finished him there were lots of beads and clay on the floor. By holly
Friday, 24 April 2015
Space Padlet
We used padlet to write what we know about space. We all logged onto the computers and put the address of the padlet in. We then clicked to add our ideas. It was awesome to see other peoples ideas pop up on our screens too.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
My solar system.
Hi my name is Jasmine and I am going to tell you about my solar system.The brown one is Jupiter and the green one with rings is Saturn.The orange one is mars and also The giant orange one is the sun.the blue one is Neptune.The little red one is Venus.The white one with blue scrips is Uranis
and the blue planet with green spots is our planet earth and that is the end.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Spider man
Spider-Man!!!I made it out of soil and lined paper also paint and pipe cleaners.His team is:Powerman Nova also Iron spider.spiderman created 2 web shooters so he could swing to building.His web shooters colour are white.His colour around his body is blue and red with black stripes.He is so fast and a little bit strong he can climb up walls.He's got a black spider on his chest that has 8 legs. I made him for my 3D super hero challenge. By Canaan
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Wonder Woman my 3D creation
Wonder Woman is made out of this special glay called femo.she has long blak hair.her boots are red and her boots a almost up to her neys.she has a triangle in the center of her top. By Gemma
Friday, 27 March 2015
Our Super cool fun days
On Wensday and Thursday we had a free time all day.On wensday we got to cook,make capes and art it was lots of fun.On Thursday we got to ice the coceis and finish of our capes but we stile havent finished them. We are trying to finish them ready for the parade on Wensday. it has been tricky hand siching our capes but it was stil lots of fun.
Learning to sew
These are my pictures that i took of people learning to sew. They were sewing their capes. First they had to find their favourite coloured material. then they had to pin the edges. they had had to sew the edges of the cape on the sewing machine. it is called a seam. you have to thread the machine then you have to put the material under the foot. you hold the material with one hand to keep it in place and with the other hand you have to make sure it is flat and straight. you have to put your foot on the pedal. it controls how fast it goes. so you need to press it a bit at a time. Naomi helped us to make sure we stepped on the pedal carefully and didnt sew our fingers. We designed a logo to go on the cape. we cut it from material and sewed it on by hand. It was tricky sewing it on. We had to tie knots and thread the needles. i learned how to take good pictures and how to use a sewing machine. it was amazing
WOW! Pop biscuits!!
Check out our awesome arty biscuits! Delicious works of art!!
Making Pop art, comic cookies!
We had a great time making our cookies. We had to work out the right amount of ingrediants to put into our mixture. We had to negotiate and communicate in our groups. last of all we got to decorate them and ice a sound word onto it. It was an awesome fun day!
Our fundays!!
On Thursday and Wednesday us tirific twelve did some really cool stuff like bake star cookies and
ice them with lots of colours and we got to do cartoon comics,play sumdog and other really fun
things.Before we ate our treats we showed Jude our awesome cookies and she loved them!!
ice them with lots of colours and we got to do cartoon comics,play sumdog and other really fun
things.Before we ate our treats we showed Jude our awesome cookies and she loved them!!
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Luke's 3D model of ironman
I am Luke George this is Iron man.He has a sports car it is so fast like the Flash. He has a boosters that shoot lasers.they can fly up to188cm.His armor can fly and it can shoot. He has been in
Avengers.His team is Hulk and Thor and hawk guy and Captin America and Spider man and Nick Fury and A bomb. I made him from paper and cello tape. We printed the body out from the computer. It was tricky putting his head on.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Monsters attack
Once there was a terrible problem something big ugly scary and made out of gooey stuff and strong even he could camouflage him and his army.He was so angry and even he poops a lot.His poos OOH and his poos are fire.This 21 year he just joined.Then 1 sec.He saw thousands of guys joined the army.1 Woman she was beautiful like an angel.That gugs name was:Derrick rose who just joined.All the ladies thought he was very very handsome.Very then a big CATOMBAL it made our basement on fire.10000000000000000000 died.The boss and the comando even derrick rose escaped.When they got out a laser aiming to derick.Derick ran until the commando and boss saved Dericks live are you.But they died.Derick put on paint on his face.Derek took off his shirt and ran to save the whole wide world.He kilt 1000000000000000000000000000000 of ALIENS and MONSTERS.But one was left to fight he was tremendous stupendous:true munges the BIGGEST GIANT IN THE HOLE WIDE WORLD.First Derick jumped like the HULK.Then smashed like the HULK then jumped so high that he jump so far when the giant shouted”where are you’’i screamed’’HULK SMASH’’,i punched just like mike tyson.after a while the giant DIED.All the people cheered’’whooooooo,’’ “nice’’, “yeah’’, “ohh my gosh’’, “THANK YOU DERRICK ROSE.The people cheered like a baby.’’i saved the world.He became one of the famous superheroes in the world.Every one wanted his name because he was so famous superheros.THE END BYE.By Canaan Faumui.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Healing Arts Show
The art show came to Green Bay. It was very funny. We blew the umbrella and it blew the man round and round. The 4 people opened a treasure box and had an invisible thing that gave them special powers like beat boxing, singing and dancing. It was lots of fun.
Monday, 9 March 2015
the Slobby monster
One day there was a monster that was green and slobby. It was big, it had 5 tentacles and it could fly and shoot lasers out of its eyes but superman came to save the day
The monster was angry and he turned around and shot at superman but superman was
To fast. The monster chased superman until he was to tired. Quickly superman shot 100 bullets at the monster. The monster died and superman saves the day. By Theo
Monster at school
There was a school it was very happy but one day a Monster came to the school.He was big he was slimy. people were worried and superhero comes in a flash.He shootted the Monster but he did not die so the superhero got his Monster gun out and shootted the Monster one in his leg and one in his heart. The Monster starts to fall. The monster falls out of the sky. When he lands he makes a big hole in the ground! The monster is dead. My super hero checks everyone is alright. Then he flys like a flash away through the sky.
The End. By Sher-E-Banu
Monster Attacks
Once upon-a-time in a land that was very green and had very polite people, there was a slimy,horrible mean monster with a stinger on the end of his nose!
He didn’t like the people so every day he tried to kill them.
BUT no matter how many times he tried he could NOT kill them.
This is the reason why………………....
whenever they said a polite word he froze.
They’re land was on a hill ( a wide hill ) so they were close to the sun.
so the ice on the monster melted quickly.
Soon the monster was so frustrated because he kept freezing and melting that he used his tentacles to fly away.
He called his family from another planet to come to Earth.
They came to help him.
Three big monsters plus him makes four of them.
There was a big,red,11 tentacle monster,a small monster which has no body but lots of eyes and a fast flying monster with no powers at all.
Together they made a HUGE storm which flooded the town.
Suddenly spider man leaped into action!
He shot fire webs at the monsters and saved all the people.
BUT that wasn’t all the monsters.
Granny which came out of the lake by the hill was HUGE, ENORMOUS, TREMENDOUS.
So the superhero called all the other superheros and together they saved the day.
Monster attack
There was a monster and the monster smashed the house. Here came the spiderman!He shot the web but the monster did not die.The people were scared. The people were screaming. The batman came and the batman shot a batarang at the monster. He died. The batman and spider man were heros. the end.fromsako
Zombies attack
In a far away land full of dangerous mobs there were caves of lava that bubbles out mutant zombies and creepers that can kill you with special potions. The potions are death gun poisons that freeze you and melt you. Then one day Steve and annoying orange arrived at the scene and put up a fight. They knocked out all of the zombies and creepers. they threw the death guns into the lava. They saved the universe the end. By Rieley
Monster attack
One tremendous day when I was walking
home from underwater hockey I turned back to see if my friend was there but she
was not there. I felt like I was lost….then
suddenly “ROOOOOOR!!!!!” then “EEEK!!”
a huge monster that was as big as the Sky tower came out of the sea!!
I screamed to death. I said to myself “please
dont eat me mr monster I’m only 9!!” then
I noticed something in the sky!!! “look!! its an egg salad sandwich, no way its BATMAN!!!”
As fast as lightning he threw
a gun into the monsters mouth and made
it choke then die!! the end By Miah
Amazing Spiderman
The amazing story about spider man. There was city with lots of people. Once a monster was attackeing the city. Spider man saw the monster. Spiderman used his laser eyes and the monster died the end. By Luke
Cool guy and Orange
In a far away frozen desert land.There were candy people and they turned everything into candy [except the ice so they could make slushies.] But two people were not candy people one was a human and one was an orange in a suit. They were the heros. Bang!! crash!! suddenly a green thing with a blue t-shirt and three heads, that could spit venom appeared out of the sky. It started to lay eggs then another thing came that has two bulgy eyes, four big legs and when it jumps it makes explosions. Then another thing came! it had six legs and six arms! The people were terrified and when people looked at the monsters eyes they died! Then Cool Guy and orange had to save the day. The candy people saw the monsters wanted to eat them so Cool guy punched the green mutant in each of its faces and he died. then orange shoots missiles at the four legged mutant with the bulgy eyes. He zoomed away like lightning then the six legged alien smashed oranges armer! but Cool guy had a plan so he got his fishing rod and hooked both the mutant aliens on the line. He got his bow and arrow and put the fishing line on it. He shot it and the aliens were shot into space. they died.Then they destroyed all the eggs. Cool guy and orange saved the day the end.By Leo
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