Friday, 23 October 2015

Planting our minions to feed bees

We planted our minions this week.
We put herbs in one minion. That was rosemary, sage and thyme. These herbs have blue flowers and bees like blue flowers the best.
We put lavender in one minion. Lavender is one of the bees favourite foods. It is like chocolate cake for bees.
The last minion we planted with flowers. Some blue/purple and white petunias and some blue lobelia. Naomi says the lobelia will grow and come out of the minion like blue hair.
We cant wait for the plants to grow. We will water them every day to help them get everything they need.

What we know about bees and our questions

Monday, 12 October 2015

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4!
We have another fun filled term starting with CAMP in week 1!!!!!!

Curriculum Overview
Reading/Writing: Focus on writing explanations and recounts
Maths: Focus on multiplication and division strategies, as well as maintaining our addition and subtraction knowledge. Our strand is Algebra looking at patterns and predicting 
Learning Pathways: Our big question is “A world without bees - should we care?” We will look at bees, pollination, working as a team, the hive etc. and come up with our questions. We will have a visit from the bee lady and have some hands on activities with honey and wax.
Science: We are learning about electricity and circuits
Sports: The focus is athletic skills of run, jump and throw.
Arts: We will be learning to sketch bees, use pastels and dye to create bee artwork.  We will be learning to communicate using dance (like bees do) 
We will look at music appreciation listening for and identifying different instruments in an orchestra.
Languages: We will continue to learn Maori with Whaea Jo on a Tuesday afternoon.
NEW: I am super excited to announce we will have Chinese lessons on a Thursday with a Chinese tutor in Bejing via skype !!


Students bring home reading, spelling and basic maths to practice each week. Please remind your child to complete a little each day so they form good habits.